New Systemic Coaching & Constellations programme at Hawkwood College, Gloucestershire (6-8 February) introduces innovative whole self / whole systems approach to leadership
A groundbreaking new three-day Systemic Coaching and Constellations programme at Hawkwood College, Stroud from 6-8 February, offers executive coaches, change agents, leaders and those supporting others through transformation, the chance to integrate a systemic perspective and methodology into their work.
Facilitated by Ed Rowland and Milly Sinclair from The Whole Partnership – specialists in purpose-led leadership training – the programme guides you to integrate this profound systemic lens – and some powerful tools – into your existing practice of coaching so you can catalyse others through change. While traditional coaching models typically focus on the client as an individual actor, while overlooking the opportunities and challenges of the broader context in which the client lives and works, a systemic approach considers the wider range of “ways of knowing” available, so discovering the deeper truths that unlock the potential for breakthrough results.
Ed Rowland, a leading UK systemic coach who is pioneering constellations work in the UK, says:
“Systemic Coaching and Constellations has emerged over the last 15 years as a powerful, awareness-based whole self/whole systems method for seeing and transforming challenges in our personal and organisational lives. By creating maps of the whole system, constellations enable the invisible dynamics of even seemingly intractable situations to be revealed – and often resolved – quickly and effectively. It is suitable for coaches who have either completed related systemic programmes, such as the ORSCTM training, or who wish to deepen their constellating capacity and understanding of the thought framework behind this groundbreaking approach.”
The Benefits
The programme will develop or enhance your capacity to:
- Understand the key principles, history and sources of this work, and the CLEARTM method of Systemic Coaching & Constellations
- Use CLEAR – and a constellating methodology – in both 1-1 coaching and team coaching contexts, as well as setting up simple Diagnostic Constellations of wider systems, so that you help yourself and your clients rapidly gain a systemic “overview” on the nature of their challenges
- Map issues and systems in different ways (desktop-style or with floor markers and use of human representatives) so that you can work flexibly in different contexts
- Draw from all ‘Four Ways of Knowing’ – intuitive, emotional, embodied and intellectual Intelligence
- Understand, both experientially and conceptually, the ‘Hidden Orders’ that shape systems, enabling organisational change and wellbeing
- Find the most empowering ‘place’ in relation to the coachee (or team) and wider organisation, and understand what this approach requires of the coach in terms of ‘stance’, presence and capacity
- Put all this together, so as to strengthen your capacity to coach and help others
“There will be many opportunities to explore your own personal and organisational systems, both through exercises and demonstrations,” Ed Rowland elucidates. “We will dive deep and have fun learning together. The course will also likely challenge and expand how you see yourself and your work as a coach, change agent, or leader, while increasing your awareness of how organisations and people can flourish at a deeper level.”
This 3-day programme provides a Level 1 (Essentials) certificate in Systemic Coaching & Constellations, which is dual-certified by both a leading coaching body and a leading systemic training body specialising in this work. First, it is certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), for Continuing Coaching Education and 19.5 CCEUs. Second, it is certified by, and run in association with, the Centre for Systemic Constellations (UK), the UK’s largest and oldest training body in this work, which runs trainings in Systemic Constellations worldwide.
More Information
- The 3-day Essentials programme runs 6-8 February, 10am to 6pm, at Hawkwood College, Stroud GL6 7QW
- Cost: £490 (+ VAT) course fee, non-residential (includes lunch). A few bursaries are available for people with limited income
- For more info and bookings, call Tricia Grace-Norton, Programme Manager on: +44 (0) 7796 488 722 Or email her at:
- For more information about The Whole Partnership visit