Radio 4 features Medicine Festival wisdom keepers

Radio 4 features Medicine Festival wisdom keepers

Conscious Frontiers was delighted to set up this feature about Medicine Festival on Radio 4’s flagship faith and ethics show, Sunday, last weekend.

Medicine Festival, which takes place this week, 18-21 August, on the Wasing Estate near Reading, is unique in the UK for bringing together indigenous wisdom keepers from around the world to share their teachings, ceremonies and time-honoured technologies. The event presents opportunities to explore different forms of medicine that leave us feeling better, including frontier wellbeing modalities, connection to Nature and ourselves, laughter, friendship and community spirit.

During our times of environmental and economic meltdown, and health and mental health crisis, Medicine Festival invites people to be ‘the medicine’ for the Earth and all its inhabitants

The Radio 4 piece features wisdom keepers Millicent Chapanda (Zimbabwe) and Anthar Kharana (Colombia) weaving their medicinal magic and sharing spiritual practices from their traditions, plus an interview with Medicine Festival co-founder Remi Olajoyegbe about the event and why it’s important.

Listen Now!
BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme, 14 August 2022

For more information about Medicine Festival, visit:

Medicine Festival is now sold out for 2022, for details of ticket resales visit:

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