Inspirited rock n’ roll memoir from Patrick Duff shares an extraordinary life on the edge…
Category: Blog
I Am Witch exhibition takes media by storm!
I Am Witch exhibition takes media by storm! Conscious Frontiers was delighted to organise the publicity for the groundbreaking ‘I Am Witch’ exhibition in Lancaster this month, which created a fervent buzz in the media with coverage highlights including articles in The Guardian and the Daily Mail, plus features on local ITV and BBC TV News for… Continue reading I Am Witch exhibition takes media by storm!
Nominate your Green Heroes of 2021!
Nominate your Green Heroes of 2021! The P.E.A Awards – the UK’s leading ethical and sustainable awards body – calls for the British public to select their environmental champions of 2021 – those leading the way to protect the planet Nominations close Tuesday 7 September at 5pm – one week to go! The P.E.A 2021 Awards… Continue reading Nominate your Green Heroes of 2021!
The Voice of the Voiceless
The Voice of the Voiceless New music project helps ex-offenders use rap music as a force for social change Conscious Frontiers has loved setting up initial press and broadcast features for a brilliant collaborative music project between crime prevention charity Key4Life and Columbia Records/Sony Music, using rap music as a force for social change and… Continue reading The Voice of the Voiceless
10 years since the London Riots: crime prevention charity Key4Life hits the headlines
10 years since the London Riots: crime prevention charity Key4Life hits the headlines Conscious Frontiers has been busy setting up media coverage tied to the 10th anniversary of the 2011 London Riots over the last week on behalf of crime prevention charity, Key4Life. Founded in 2012, Key4Life was set up in response to the riots… Continue reading 10 years since the London Riots: crime prevention charity Key4Life hits the headlines
Follow Your Blissters
New podcast series explores mythologist Joseph Campbell’s ‘Hero’s Journey’ template for storytelling as a map for living and transformation Launching with an interview with peace activist Satish Kumar about his legendary 8,000 mile peace walk on Wednesday 26 May, the series also features conversations with US author and psychotherapist Thomas Moore, purpose-led business pioneer Sarah… Continue reading Follow Your Blissters
Pilgrimage for Peace
New book from veteran peace and environmental activist, Satish Kumar, shares the legendary and perilous quest of his youth – a two-year walk across the world, risking all to bring peace for people and planet Pilgrimage for Peace: The Long Walk from India to Washington will be published by Green Books on 27 May, 2021… Continue reading Pilgrimage for Peace
Ex-offenders land great jobs in Lockdown – story goes viral
A press story, engineered by Conscious Frontiers, featuring the remarkable turnaround stories of five ex-offenders from London who got jobs or set up thriving businesses during lockdown, has gone viral – now published in over 100 newspapers and news outlets, including Yahoo, MSN, The Northern Echo, Glasgow Evening Times and the Belfast Telegraph. You can… Continue reading Ex-offenders land great jobs in Lockdown – story goes viral
Rock n’ roll sound healer Tallulah Rendall hits the road
Songstress and sound therapist, Tallulah Rendall – who uniquely bridges the worlds of rock n’ roll and healing – takes to the road with her band, Wednesday 27 March to Sunday 7 April, to celebrate the launch of her landmark new album The Liminal. The Liminal tour will take in Beaulieu Tree House in the New Forest… Continue reading Rock n’ roll sound healer Tallulah Rendall hits the road
Spiritual Health – the New Wellbeing Frontier
Professor David Peters MD, Clinical Director at the Centre for Resilience, Westminster University, has expressed his support for Your Spiritual Health Programme. “Grounded in reliable physiology and psychology, the programme is relevant to all those involved in health care,” he says. “It reflects the Royal College of Psychiatrist’s view of spirituality as a universal human quality independent of religion.”